City Sketches, Inc., a Music, Radio and Venue Production company, exists to benefit and to create employment for Musicians, Studios, Broadcasters, and Engineers in a live performance environment.
Some of our objectives include but are not limited to the following:
Raise the artistic integrity with City and Country Government is to create 

marketing vehicles for venues, cities, counties and non-profit agencies.
To further raise the awareness of the under-appreciated genre of Jazz music
weaving various sub-genres (Urban, Latin, Brazilian and Gospel.
Increase the sales of jazz music through CD's, Digital Downloads, which
includes ringtones, and live Music venue events.
Highlight the virtues of local talent by putting them on stage with National 
Professionals and legend artists.
We are inspired by our long-term missions and 5-year goals:
beginning with a 2-hour program, but branching into commercial radio with
the sole intent of exposing the music audience to a unique and broader
blend of non-compartmentalized jazz with minimum repitition.
To educate aspiring artists (both young and old) on the pitfalls of the
music business, and to teach them business etiquette, publishing, digital
download processes, understanding basic music contract law, etc.
To further produce recordings written and produced by Bob Baldwin as
well provide production services for instrumentalists and vocali\sts.
Arrangement and Production credits include George Benson, Grover
Washington, Jr., Pieces of a Dream, Will Downing and Marion
Meadows, to name a few.
3-5 year plan includes establishing business relationships in TV and Film
in an effort to develop more effective placement of publishing and
production products in those venues.
We are always inspired to make a difference in these areas, and the values used to develop these processes include strong elements of integrity, spiritual faith, and respect for all people at all times. CSI currently is the home of:
* Funky Onion Publishing (A SESAC Affiliate), which includes the Bob Baldwin catalog, with rewards received in 2002, 2008 and 2010.
* City Sketches, Inc., is also the home of some masters produced and owned/co-owned by Bob Baldwin, including:

Welcome to the Games - 1996

Brazil Chill - 2004 - 2000

Memoirs from The Hudson DVD - 2007

The Sanctioned Bootleg - 2007

State of Mind - 1994

All In a Day's Work - 2005 - 2008

Lookin' Back - 2009

Never Can Say Goodbye, A Tribute to Michael Jackson - 2010